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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Gillshill Primary

Year 1

We believe that children have a right to expect a curriculum which is fun, motivating, interesting and most importantly purposeful.

We strive to develop imagination through a stimulating, creative environment where every child has the opportunity to shine.

We follow Read, Write Inc. for the teaching of phonics on a daily basis, and use the Read, Write Inc. reading books to ensure they are matched to the children's phonics knowledge. 

At Gillshill Primary School we aim to deliver all subjects thoughtfully and to make links that are relevant, appropriate and purposeful to the area of learning.


                             Miss Beadle                   Miss Alsop                     Mrs Pulford


                                                Mrs McGowan          


We line up on the Y1 playground.

Our times are:
8:45 start lessons
3:00 home time

We bring only these things to school in a book bag:
Reading book
Home Reading Record
Spelling book*
We bring a packed lunch and water bottle separately.

*Spellings can also be found on our Spelling Shed game.


Weekly diary:
Outdoor PE - come to school in PE kit.
Spelling test.
Virtual Achievement assembly delivered by the Assistant Head.
Tuesday - New spellings given.
These will be on Spelling Shed too!
Virtual PSHE assembly delivered by the Assistant Head.
Wednesday - Hand in homework.
Hymn singing in class.
ThursdayVirtual Newsround assembly delivered by the Head of School.
Friday - Reflections assembly in class.  Star of the Day.


Phonics is an important daily part of Year One.  Everyday we undertake phonics activities.  It is linked to our weekly spellings and tests.

School Visits

We are in the very fortunate position that we have 4 school mini buses; this enables us to provide a wide range of visits across the region and the UK. All of our drivers have been assessed for suitability and hold the relevant licences and checks.

Class Assemblies and Performances

At Gillshill we place great emphasis on developing pupils confidence to perform in front of a range of audiences. We have a longstanding reputation for our performing arts. Each year all of our children will be involved in a Harvest and Christmas performance as well as a class assembly.

Enjoyment & Enrichment

Throughout the year we organise a wide variety of fun, enrichment and charity events to bring our school community together, such as:



** Children in Need**
** Comic Relief**
** Family Sports Day**
** Easter Extravaganza**
** Christmas Craft Fayre**
** Times Table Rock Stars**
** Ice Cream Friday**
** Pet Respect**
** School Discos**



As soon as the children start school they will be immersed in music. They will continue to learn to sing songs and rhymes as well a play with musical instruments. As they go through the school they will receive specialist music instruction in Year 5. We are fortunate to have Miss Hunt who provides outstanding percussion lessons. We also coordinate violin, cello, flute and double bass lessons for those who have a special interest.

P.E. & Sport

We have an outstanding reputation in P.E. and Sport. In Key Stage 2 (Years 3 -6) the children will receive specialist teaching from Mr David Start. With Miss Jesney (our PE Leader) and Mr Start the children have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of extra curricular P.E. events and competitions. We are very proud of our extensive track record of success and awards. Liam Cooper – Leeds United, Paul Jubb - British Tennis, Danny Washbrook – Hull FC are past pupils.