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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Gillshill Primary

Welcome to EYFS

Starting school is a new experience for your child and the beginning of an important learning journey. For you as Parents or Carers, the involvement in your child’s learning journey is of huge importance to everyone in our school.

We strive for excellence and securing the best possible outcomes for all our pupils within an inclusive, vibrant learning environment. We share and celebrate all achievements.

September 2024_New_Parents_Information_PowerPoint.pdf

Our shared vision for EYFS at Gillshill Primary School

We aim for the children in our EYFS settings at Gillshill Primary School to be:
• Happy, secure and to feel safe
• Confident, resilient and reflective learners who are willing to have a go and challenge themselves
• Kind, well mannered and able to form good relationships
• Independent, excited and motivated to learn
• Good communicators

Learning should be fun, engaging and suitably challenging.  We are committed to providing the best possible start to their school life, teaching them skills and giving them experiences which will ensure their well-being now and success in the future.

We support the children to learn through playing, exploring and being active. This means children will take part in a range of fun, practical activities; some of which are adult led, some guided by adults and some will be child initiated. We follow the statutory EYFS Framework alongside Development Matters. It is very flexible so it can be adapted to the children’s needs and interests.

How children learn

Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through 7 areas of learning.

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

All of these areas are vital and inter-connected.  We plan many memorable experiences including educational visits throughout the school year to support the learning taking place in school.

The Seven Areas of Learning

Each of these areas will be implemented through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult led and child initiated activity. Your child will be assessed in these areas, based on their individual development and needs. We will share their achievements with you through Tapestry. In accordance with the Education Reform Act 1988, regular collective worship takes place. They are non-denominational but mainly Christian is character.All of these areas are vital and inter-connected. We plan many memorable experiences including educational visits throughout the school year to support the learning taking place in school.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This area includes Self Regulation, Managing Self and Building Relationships.

Communication and Language

This area includes Listening & Attention and Understanding & Speaking.

Physical Development

This area includes Gross Motor Skills and Fine Motor Skills.


This area includes Comprehension, Word Reading and Writing.


This area includes Number and Numerical patterns.

Understanding of the World

This area includes Past and Present, People, Culture and Communities and The Natural World.

Expressive Art and Design

This area includes Creating with Materials & Being Imaginative and Expressive.


Each of these areas will be implemented through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult led and child initiated activity. Your child will be assessed in these areas, based on their individual development and needs. We will share their achievements with you through Tapestry.

Continuous Provision

The following are examples of resources that are on offer to the children daily.

• Sand
• Water
• Play dough
• Messy play
• Phonics games
• Fine motor activities
• Art and crafts
• Number activities
• Construction

Enjoyment & Enrichment

Throughout the year we organise a wide variety of fun, enrichment and charity events to bring our school community together, such as:

** Children in Need**
** Comic Relief**
** Family Sports Day**
** Easter Extravaganza**
** Christmas Craft Fayre**
** Times Table Rock Stars**
** Ice Cream Friday**
** Pet Respect**
** School Discos**

School Visits

We are in the very fortunate position that we have 4 school minibuses; this enables us to provide a wide range of visits across the region and the UK. All of our drivers have been assessed for suitability and hold the relevant licences and checks.

Class Assemblies and Performances

At Gillshill we place great emphasis on developing pupils' confidence to perform in front of a range of audiences. We have a longstanding reputation for our performing arts. Each year all of our children will be involved in a Harvest and Christmas performance as well as a class assembly.


As soon as the children start school they will be immersed in music. They will continue to learn to sing songs and rhymes as well as play with musical instruments. As they go through the school they will receive specialist music instruction in Year 5. We are fortunate to have Miss Hunt who provides outstanding percussion lessons. We also coordinate violin, cello, flute and double bass lessons for those who have a special interest.

P.E. & Sport

We have an outstanding reputation in P.E. and Sports. In Key Stage 2 (Years 3 -6) the children will receive specialist teaching from Mr David Start. With Miss Jesney (our PE Leader) and Mr Start the children can have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of extracurricular P.E. events and competitions. We are very proud of our extensive track record of success and awards. Liam Cooper – Leeds United, Paul Jubb - British Tennis, and Danny Washbrook – Hull FC are past pupils.


All children in EYFS2, Year 1 and 2 are entitled to a free nutritionally balanced school meal through the Government Universal Free School Meal Scheme. You may meet the criteria for Free School Meals Mrs Delaney in the School Office can provide more information (call 781002). Alternatively, your child can bring a packed lunch from home if they prefer. Your child will get lots of help and support throughout lunchtime to open drinks or wrappers and to cut any foods. We place emphasis on ensuring children have good table manners and use cutlery properly.


A close relationship between parents and practitioners is vital. We will always be available in the morning for you to pass on quick messages and relevant information about your child. If however, you have an issue which requires more of our time or is sensitive then please email your child’s class teacher.


Mrs Harrison

Miss Plews (Maternity)

Mrs Soulby

Mrs Javed

Mrs Borrill

Mrs Millen

We line up and exit from the Nursery Outdoor Area.
Our times are:
8.30am-11.30am Morning session.
12noon-3pm Afternoon Session.
Children staying for a full day bring a packed lunch to eat in the Nursery. 


We follow half termly themes based on stories.

Alongside teacher led activities , we follow the children’s interests during Continuous Provision: where the children play, have fun, learn and challenge themselves. 

FS1 need everyday:
Water bottle, spare clothes, sand shoes to leave at Nursery.

Regular Focus Activities:
Phonics, Maths, Mark Making, PSHRE, Language Development, Finger Fun.








Miss Charlesworth


Mrs Lister


Miss Fuller Mrs Mathers

Mrs McManus


Miss Van Waarde


Mrs Hanson

Miss Smurthwaite


Mrs Hilton

Our School Day


8.45am   Arrive, take off coat & change into sandshoes, toilet and hand washing.  Complete name writing activity
9.05am   Registration & Collective Worship
9.15am   Whole Class Topic Input 
9.25am   RWI Guided Phonics Session
9.50am   Guided Maths Session  
10.15am  Hand Washing, Snack and Independent Learning & Exploring through Play  
10.55am   Guided Writing
11.30am   Toilet & Hand Washing
11.45am  Lunch and Play


12.45pm   Handwashing & Registration 
12.55pm   Go Noodle, Finger Fun & Handwriting Practise 
1.25pm    Independent Learning & Exploring through Play
2.25pm   Story & Singing Time 
2.50pm   Get ready for Home – change shoes & collect all belongings
3pm  Home Time