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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Gillshill Primary



Wellbeing Charter                    PSHE Policy


At Gillshill Primary School we understand the importance of mental health awareness and encourage all children and families to speak out if they feel unsure, unhappy or in need of support. We recognise that good well-being is key to a child's development; emotionally, physically and educationally.

We celebrate school life and the achievements of all our children regardless of their abilities and educational needs in a number of ways. We use assemblies to educate the children and provide them with a diverse and enriched curriculum building resilience and acceptance towards others and of themselves. We emphasise that we are in fact all the same but also different from each other, ensuring that every child feels appreciated, cared for and most importantly valued. We strive to ensure our children feel proud of themselves, but also teach them that it is ok not to be ok and provide them with coping strategies to succeed.

Every member of staff at Gillshill Primary School promotes mental health awareness and monitors the children closely to identify any child who may need support. Procedures are in place for any concerns to be followed up quickly ensuring that the appropriate support is provided for individuals.

Please do not hesitate to get in contact with a member of the well-being team if you do need any further support.

What to do if you have a concern about a child attending Gillshill Primary School.

During school hours:

Contact school and speak to any of the Well-being Team on 01482 781002

Miss Z Stephenson - Well-being Lead

Mrs K McGowan - Emotional Learning Support Assistant

Miss B Vine - Safeguarding Lead


Out of school hours/in case of emergency:

Tel: 999
If somebody is at risk or harming themselves or somebody else the safest response is to dial 999 and ask for an ambulance. The paramedics are trained to deal with crisis situations and can call on other professionals as required.


Mental Health Response Service – Hull and East Riding

Tel: 01482 301701

The trust is the main provider of specialist mental health services. Individuals in crisis can access their services 24/7 through the Rapid Response Service on 01482 301701.

To support young people call CAMHs crisis team 01482 335600.


Below is a link to useful online training sessions, provided by the Headstart Team, to support you with well-being at home.

Headstart Parents and Carers Training Sessions Live.pdf


Each year, we recognise Children's Mental Health week.  Here is some of our work:



This has been a real labour of love for Ryan today. Ryan decided he wanted to draw a panda but we had no idea where to start so we watched a video on how to draw a basic shape. Then the creativity went from there! He loved mixing the paints. He chose a Panda because they like eating and sleeping; they are clever and love getting cosy and have a good sense of humour.  The patches represent Ryan's colourful personality and his love of music, his caring nature, and sense of humourb and his lovely smile.  The Orange patch is his favourite colour.