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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Gillshill Primary

Online SafETY

Online Safety Policy



What are the issues?

The internet – on the whole is an inspiring and positive place.

The internet is an amazing resource which enables children and young people to connect, communicate and be creative in a number of different ways, on a range of devices.

However, the internet is always changing, and being able to keep up to date with your children’s use of technology can be a challenge.

You may sometimes feel that your children have better technical skills than you do, however children and young people still need advice and protection when it comes to managing their lives online.

Issues that your child may encounter on the internet will vary depending on their age and online activities.

This website offers comprehansive advice for parents:

NSPCC Keeping Children Safe Online

If you need to report a concern to CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) use the link at the bottom of the page.



We regularly offer advice through our weekly Newsletters.

Parental Controls

Children are gaining access to and owning their own devices from a ever younger age. Devices can be great for learning and development, however parents should be aware of the content available online and the chance of your child seeing something they shouldn’t when online.

Pre-installed parental controls are available for most devices, laptops and consoles and are part of the system when you buy them. You can often download e-safety apps and software to supplement these controls. But the most important thing is to set the controls on the device itself.

Parental controls - Nintendo Wii U.pdf

E-Safety Tips for Parents

InternetMatters.org is a not-for-profit organisation that has a simple purpose – to help keep children safe in the digital world.


Advice from the BBC

Laura from The BBC shares her views, hints and tips about internet safety.

Play Like Share – Think U Know

Play Like Share follows the adventures of Sam, Ellie and Alfie as they form a band and enter their school’s Battle of the Bands contest, taking on the mean but ‘cool’ Popcorn Wizards as they go. The three friends learn that while the internet can help, they need to use it wisely and safely.

The aim of the films is to help 8-10 year olds learn how to stay safe online. In particular, the films teach them to spot the early signs of manipulative, pressurising and threatening behaviour by people they might meet online, and develops their confidence to respond safely and get help.

