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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Gillshill Primary

Medical Matters

If your child needs medicines, please consider whether or not they should be in school.

If your child is prescribed medication from the doctor please try to administer it at intervals when a parent or carer can administer it.  Where this is not possible, due to the number of doses or specific timings, parents must come into school to arrange the administration of a medicine.

Remember that our school staff are first aid trained and have no medical qualifications.

If your child has an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) for a specific need please consult the school where all necessary arrangements will be met. The designated First Aider at Work in our school is Mrs Wendy Delaney. (See Medicine Policy)

Sick children

Parents are contacted by telephone whenever a child is considered to be too ill to remain in school.

For this reason it is vital that the school has up-to-date Home and Work telephone numbers to ring in the event of an emergency.

In the case of serious accidents, pupils are sent, or taken to, the casualty department at Hull Royal Infirmary for treatment.

In such a situation the parents are consulted first if this is at all possible. All serious accidents are reported on a standard form, which is submitted, to the Education Authority.

Children with special medical conditions

Parents are asked to indicate to the school any medical conditions, which might affect their child’s schooling. It is vital that the school is aware of eyesight or hearing problems.