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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

Enter Trust

Gillshill Primary

The School Day

School session times                     

 FS1 Nursery
8:30 Start of morning session
11:30 End of morning session
12:00 Afternoon session begins
3pm End of school day

15 hours for children that attend for only morning and afternoon sessions.

30 hours for children that attend full days.

FS2, Y1-6

8:35 am  School Gates Open
8:40 am Pupils enter school
8:45 am  Registration
8:50 am Gates close
10:40 am – 10:55 am Morning Playtime
1 hour

Lunch time break - currently staggered

 FS2   11:45 - 12:45

Y1-6   12 - 1pm

3:00 pm  School finishes

 This equates to 31 hours and 40 minutes.


Parents are asked to ensure that children enter school at 8:40am so they are settled in class, enabling teachers to make a prompt start to their lessons.  Arrive no earlier than 08.35 as there can be no guarantee of staff supervision for children in the school grounds prior to 08.35am.

Please note that the Gillshill Road gate will close at 8:50am so please do not drop your child off after this time, they will need to be brought to the main Office via the Cavendish Road entrance.