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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Gillshill Primary

School Council

The School Council provides a voice for pupils in certain decision making within the school.

The pupils are given time to share ideas with their class School Council member who will bring these ideas to the meetings to be considered. Teachers also ask the School Council to make a final decision on ideas.

The Aims of the Council:

  • To make the school an even better place to learn – a healthy school.
  • To help solve pupil’s problems or concerns.
  • To help make school a safe, happy and fair place to learn.
  • To help teach us about democracy and good citizenship.
  • To work in partnership with all adults in the school.
  • To make sure every child can have their say.
  • To link to other working groups in the school e.g. teachers, governors.

The role of a School Councillor:

• To work as a team to improve our school environment.

• To listen to all suggestions and consider how they can make our school happier.

• To work closely with all staff and pupils to make ideas possible.

• To attend and participate in School Council meetings.

• To share information from meetings with children in our class.

• To organise and raise money for charity events.

• To provide a role model to other children demonstrating excellent behaviour and attitude to all aspects of school life.

• To attend school governors meetings and represent the views of the pupils of the school.

School Council Elections

Gillshill Primary School Council is made up of one representative from each class. Every child is given the opportunity to become a School Councillor. Children who would like to become a School Councillor are asked to share and explain why they would make a good representative for their class. After election speeches are made, the class vote anonymously to who they would like to represent their views. When the votes have been counted, the member with the most votes is elected.  In the first School Council meeting, the chair, vice chair, e-safety representatives are elected. They are responsible for taking the minutes of the meeting. Each member is responsible for sharing the information discussed during the meetings with their class.

School Council Meetings

School Council Meetings take place at various points in the term with each meeting having an agenda. The teacher with responsibility for holding the School Council Meetings is Mrs Makey. Mrs Dawson also attends the School Council Meetings and when appropriate subject leaders. After each meeting, the councillors are responsible for reporting back to their classes and collate anymore ideas. They are responsible for collecting votes from the ballot box and bringing suggestions from the suggestion boxes to meetings.

The dates are:
     Wednesday 2nd November 2022
     Tuesday 17th January 2023
     Tuesday 7th March 2023
     Wednesday 3rd May 2023
     Wednesday 14th June 2023

E-safety Councillors

We have four members of the Council who are specifically there to represent E-safety.

The new School Councillors for this academic year are: 

1DB – Sofia Barrick
1AA – Isla Feasey
1CB – Maxwell Kemp
2SA – Dexter Stockdale
2AF – Iris Baldwin
3MB – Evie Tyson
3KM – Teddy Everitt
3GG – James Burnett

4EP – Louie Ingram
4LW – Georgia Barnes
5JK – Jacob Sharp - E-safety
5GC – Mason Orriss - E-safety
6ZS – Lily Hamilton - E-safety
6CJ – Sophie Carter - E-safety



School Council Documents:

School Council Policy