Our VISION & Values
“Our vision is to give children the knowledge, skills and confidence so that they are able to flourish and succeed in the world in which they live.”
We want our children to leave Gillshill with happy memories of their wonderful experiences, a thirst for knowledge and a confidence to embrace the possibilities that are open to them in their next stage of learning.
We believe that our children deserve the very best and want to provide them with diverse curricular, and extra-curricular, first-hand experiences. To achieve this, we have built our curriculum around our 4 core values:
- Providing opportunities which are memorable and inspirational.
- Celebrating success, no matter how small.
- Ensuring everybody feels safe, confident and supported in their learning.
- Showing compassion and kindness.
- Having the opportunity to share worries, thoughts and feelings.
- Treating members of our community as you would like people to treat you.
- Valuing difference across the school community.
- Looking after the environment, both in the school and wider world.
- Creating a positive learning environment and value the achievements of others.
- Showing consideration towards others at all times.
Believe & Achieve
- Being ambitious and putting no limit on your learning.
- Completing all activities to the best of your ability.
- Showing resilience when things get tough.
- Taking responsibility for your own learning both within and beyond the school.
We provide a distinct curriculum at Gillshill Primary School reflecting our values, our place within the local community of Kingston upon Hull, and an awareness of the wider world in which we live. Our pupils are immersed in a stimulating, broad and well-planned curriculum which will enable them to succeed in their next stage of learning, regardless of sex, culture, race, background or disability. We want our children to be lifelong learners with access to the best knowledge, skills and vocabulary. Our curriculum journey will enable our children to be ambitious, resilient and respectful with the values and skills that they need in order to become proud citizens of 21st century Britain.
Developing Gillshill Learners
We want to ensure that our pupils receive not just the very best learning opportunities but also that they receive the most relevant experiences during their time with us; experiences which will live with them forever and shape their characters as they grow. Our secondary school colleagues tell us that they can spot a Gillshill pupil because they are confident, resilient and willing to grasp opportunities available to them.
We constantly consult with our school community, pupils, parents, staff, governors and the local community, in order to shape our provision so that our pupils are prepared for a happy, healthy and fulfilling future.
Mission Statement
We are passionate about ensuring that every child who attends Gillshill Primary School has a very exciting childhood and leaves our school with many happy memories of their wonderful experiences at primary school.
Staff and Governors of Gillshill Primary School are committed to creating a successful school where children, staff and parents have high aspirations, work happily together to achieve high academic, creative and social standards.
School Ethos
Gillshill Primary is a safe, caring, friendly school which welcomes children and their families of all faiths and cultures. We recognise that every child is special and has individual needs. Our dedicated staff team works together with parents, governors and the community to ensure that each child develops the skills and knowledge to achieve. We have created a learning environment where children feel safe and happy, enabling all to develop into individuals who are confident to take risks and who are able to be actively involved in their learning.
We value the important shared experiences of childhood and believe that there are no limits to what our children can learn. We believe that every child has a right to the very best possible learning experiences and that everyone can succeed. Our ethos is one of no excuses, high aspirations, high expectations and hard work resulting in the provision of learning experiences and opportunities which challenge, support and meet the academic, personal, social and spiritual needs of every child.
We encourage understanding within the local and global communities, we aim to nurture our pupils in becoming considerate and compassionate towards others, celebrating each other’s differences. We are committed to promoting a culture where collaboration and community is highly valued, and where we all work as part of a wider team who share good practice and offer support to others.
Gillshill Primary School fully recognises its responsibilities for child protection and safeguarding. We are committed to maintaining a safe learning environment for our children and, where there are child welfare concerns, we take action to address them.
Our Child Protection and Safeguarding policies and practise apply to all staff, governors and volunteers who work in our school. To view these policies please click on the Safeguarding section of the menu bar above.