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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Gillshill Primary

Remote EDUCATION @ Gillshill

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.

Policy for Remote Learning - Information to Parents - Jan 2021.pdf

We are continuing to provide an ambitious and broad curriculum across all subjects that allows access to high-quality online and offline resources that are linked to the school’s curriculum expectations in line with the DfE expectations. (EYFS – up to 3 hours, Key Stage 1 – 3 hours and Key Stage 2  – 4 hours.)    


Pupils are being taught a planned and well-sequenced curriculum so that knowledge and skills are built incrementally, with a good level of clarity about what is intended to be taught and practised in each subject to ensure high levels of attainment and progress.

A daily timetable has been developed to be followed in school and at home.  We ask that all pupils join the daily Google/Tapestry Meet as this ‘live lesson’ provides important opportunities for pupils and teachers to discuss the previous day’s learning and what the new learning will be as well as interact socially.

Pupils are provided with a teacher-led curriculum which aligns as closely as possible with in-school provision, following the school's planning and National Curriculum and is targeted to the needs of the individual child. Pupils will be provided with frequent, clear explanations of new content, delivered by a teacher or through high-quality curriculum resources or videos from other sites or platforms.

Teachers adjust the pace or difficulty of what is being taught in response to questions or assessments, including, where necessary, revising material or simplifying explanations to ensure pupils’ understanding, in the same way they would in the school classroom. Class teachers will be monitoring pupil engagement in our remote learning offer and working with you to ensure your child is accessing it.

We expect all children to engage daily with our remote education provision in whatever way has been agreed with our families (online or paper pack) and at a time and pace to suit the family circumstances.

We are so proud of the resilience of our pupils both at home and school and cannot thank the staff enough for the amazing job they are doing to ensure our school community remains safe, connected and engaged! The staff are boosted and very appreciative of the kind and supportive comments they are receiving.

Links to our online platforms used to support learning:

Reading Plus                  Times Tables Rockstars

Spelling Shed                 My Maths

Dyslexia Gold - reading unlocked



As we adapt to this lockdown, it is essential that we look after our own and our children’s wellbeing and mental health. Adapting to these changes and living and coping with the inability to undertake the routines of our daily lives as well as living with the uncertainty of disruptions the pandemic has created can cause stress and anxiety to all family members.

To support wellbeing, the school week is organised to include a number of PHSRE opportunities, physical activities and Google Meets with their teacher and peers for those pupils learning in school and at home.

For parents/carers supporting their children with remote learning, we understand the challenges you are facing juggling your own work and home schooling and getting to grips with the online platforms. We appreciate all your support - you are doing an amazing job in ensuring your child/ren continue with their educational journey.

Pupils can sometimes become frustrated, especially in areas of the curriculum they are not as confident with. It is important to keep encouraging them to keep trying and not understanding straight away or making mistakes is absolutely fine.

In school we use a ’Growth Mindset’ to build resilience and develop confidence:



Please use our Online Safety page for guidance on how to ensure your child is using technology safely.



If you have an iPhone or an iPad you actually have a scanner! Parents/carers if you are planning to scan any work to send to the teachers you can use the ‘Notes App.’

Open a new note, press the camera button, the option to scan a document will pop up. Once the document is scanned, you can email it easier than a photograph, plus you can add notes to the scanned document.



Oak Academy are now providing a virtual school library.


Every week a popular children's author or illustrator will provide children with free books, exclusive videos and their top three recommended reads.

This week's author is Jacqueline Wilson.




We are working hard to provide a comprehensive online education and finding new ways to be creative with our lessons: